Site Analytics And Optimization Tools

Google Analytics : web analytics and reporting.

Clicktale: better digital customer experience better business.

CrazyEgg : visualize where your visitors click.

Unbounce : build, publish & A/B test landing pages without technical skills.

HubSpot : inbound marketing software platform that helps companies attract visitors.

Visual Website Optimizer : A/B Testing Software for Marketers. Optimizely : improve conversions through A/B testing, split testing and multivariate testing.

Clicky : real time web analytics.

KISSmetrics : customer intelligence and web analytics.

Mint Analytics : a fresh look at your site with Mint web analytics appli cation.

MixPanel : advanced analytics platform in the world for mobile & web. BrokenLinkCheck : free tool to check for broken links.

Pingdom : free website speed test tool.

Google PageSpeed : check speed of your website on all devices. Browsershots : check how your browser works in all browsers

GTmetrix : Website Performance Testing and Monitoring. a tool for customers to easily test the performance of their webpages.

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